Christian Archery Group Forming in Southern California

Bullets can run out during an Apocalypse. Even now, many stores seem to either run out of ammo or are selling only limited supplies of bullets.

It’s about time that a group of Christians get together to practice survival skills with bows and arrows. This small band could have made a business out of teaching classes to weekend warriors and preppers. Instead they decided to share their skills with fellow Christians.

hunger games

Because of popular films like The Hobbit, Hunger Games, 300, and Walking Dead, many fans have taken up the bow and arrow as a hobby. However, if you talk to many of these enthusiasts, some of them are actually preparing for an apocalypse, in case.

Many people seem to “know” that a tribulation is coming soon. It’s about time Christians start preparing as well.

If you are ever in the Southern California area and would like to train with a fun group of Christian survivalists, feel free to contact them.

Christian Fellowship For The Homeless

You are welcome.

We know you have been mistreated by many churches. We apologize on their behalf.

It’s tough out there so we want to offer you fellowship.

No offering plates passed around here. We do not ask for money offerings. The Most High is a good provider.

No condemnation. Jesus said it.

We’d be glad to help with food assistance, maintenance of your vehicle, and even job assistance. We’ll help search jobs for you and even give you an address you can use for your job search.

Even when you are not in the California area, feel free to contact us and we can send you information for help. Or maybe, just simply someone to chat online with.

May you have an opportunity to serve in ministry again with dignity. Jesus loves you.

Free Self Defense Training In Southern California

Although the idea of “Christian Martial Arts” may always be controversial among different church groups, the Brilliant Christians group firmly believes that the Bible is to be obeyed. “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:14).

Most moral people would not like to personally experience or see someone being bullied, raped or kidnapped into a human trafficking ring. Surely, nobody in their right mind would want to see their loved ones getting assaulted.

As Brilliant Christians, we want to empower other Christians to become more pro-active about their safety. So we offer free self defense mma classes to our members and volunteers who help this ministry. This project will be focused around the Southern California area at first, then hopefully in other cities. Much of the training will be in the cities of Rowland Heights, Diamond Bar, Covina, Hacienda Heights, West Covina, La Puente, Brea, and even some parts of Orange County and Los Angeles.

This training program is actually a better solution than just merely “not learning because we don’t like violence.” People who are not trained in an effective self defense system are usually more dangerous when faced with a life or death situation. In addition, according to UCLA Doctor Marc Schoen, individuals today have become more impatient and less adaptable to managing discomfort and stress- which can then make people more susceptible to anger.

Being trained with an effective martial arts system (combined with Christian principles) can actually help diminish reactions of violence. Christians who are trained well in MMA become more confident to only disable an attacker versus an untrained person who may be more likely to commiting murder out of uncontrolled anger. The Christian Martial Artist is also likely to be confident enough to not have to “prove themselves” because of the deadly combat skills they possess.

Most of all, Christians trained in martial arts have the tools to be able to help save their lives so they can live another day to share the Gospel. In addition, Christians who are proficient in MMA may be better equipped in helping save others from rape and assaults.
“Yes, God protects me. But who’s going to protect the unbeliever who is about to be victimized?”

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Jesus Christ (Mark 12:31)

7 Ways This House Church Can Bless You

1. You will be encouraged to be the best person that God called you to be.

2. Prayer/Counseling. If you ever need just a listening ear…or prayers…

3. You will be loved. (wherever you’re at in life) No condemnation. Jesus said it.

4. Fellowship of Warriors. You can learn self-defensives & get healthy at the same time.

5. Let’s help save you money! Free car maintenance, music lessons, languages, etc.

6. Put your wallet away! No tithes or offerings ever asked here. This is the new. Many christian church groups (globally) do not ask for money from members anymore. They just have a donation box. They do not want to alienate anybody from the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

7. Free help for members to find jobs, improve resumes & job skills or help starting a business.

Hi! This is a new church plant that currently meets in homes, cafes and local parks for praise / worship & Bible studies. Besides praying and working to create solutions for the communities, part of the vision is to reach out to the many subcultures that are unreached by churches.