Christian Archery Group Forming in Southern California

Bullets can run out during an Apocalypse. Even now, many stores seem to either run out of ammo or are selling only limited supplies of bullets.

It’s about time that a group of Christians get together to practice survival skills with bows and arrows. This small band could have made a business out of teaching classes to weekend warriors and preppers. Instead they decided to share their skills with fellow Christians.

hunger games

Because of popular films like The Hobbit, Hunger Games, 300, and Walking Dead, many fans have taken up the bow and arrow as a hobby. However, if you talk to many of these enthusiasts, some of them are actually preparing for an apocalypse, in case.

Many people seem to “know” that a tribulation is coming soon. It’s about time Christians start preparing as well.

If you are ever in the Southern California area and would like to train with a fun group of Christian survivalists, feel free to contact them.